FLARE Studios
About Us
Flare is more than a company, it is a movement. A movement built to provide a space for artists to come together to create transformative experiences, content, and products that entertain, inform, inspire, and most importantly, shed a light on the most pressing issues facing our world today. Our movement is dedicated to using our voice and platform to build a better future by organizing and engaging people to stand up and express themselves in order to disturb and disrupt the establishment and force change.
And it all starts with YOU because we believe that we all have the ability to do great things. To make an indelible mark on this world. To do the impossible. Because at Flare we don't want you to start a revolution, we want you to BE THE REVOLUTION.
Our Core Principles
Putting yourself in the shoes of those you agree AND disagree with is the key to understanding.
We are committed to disturbing and disrupting the establishment.
Courage to step into the fear of creating and taking on the status quo.
Creating eye opening and stimulating work that attracts attention.
Engaging and inspiring others to use their voices and tell their stories.
Above all else, we are a movement about love. For those that need it the most..